Yusha Assad and Faith Holmes (two friends) explore the joy and challenge of a friendship that crosses the racial divide in America. Yusha Assad is a creative, lyrical, and insightful storyteller/vocalist, with over 20 years of experience in writing and recording music. He is also an educator, mentor, community activist and leader, founding With Great Care. Its mission is to curate entertainment, business, and education platforms that cultivate the idea of doing all things with Care, Purpose and Intention. Faith Holmes is a Bahá’í who has worked in the field of race relations for over 30 years. She worked closely with Dr. Joy DeGruy while majoring in African American Studies and Psychology. Faith co-founded Oneness, a non-profit organization committed to ending racism and promoting the oneness of humanity through music, the arts and education. Faith is an entrepreneur, currently embarking on a new chapter that includes; exploring the intersection of science and spirituality.
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